A centerpoint in all working civilizations is STRUCTURE!
In any working environment, such as a shopping center/mall, a gym club, or
Your Home:
Structure is essential!
Some terms are *Organization, *Feng Shui, and *Livability. What you may not see or consciously realize is that every moment in a structured, organized, and clean (relatively germ/bacteria free and mold void) environment is double that you may spend in an unsystematic and chaotic space. Not only will your work time be lessened, your downtime will be lighter and more livable.
For our first primer, let us now start with a brief description of Feng Shui, since this is possibly this least known in United States and The U.K.
Feng Shui, pronounced Fung Shoi, is also called Geomancy. Feng is Wind and Shui stands for Water, which along with the other elements, are centered around Pa Kua/Bagua. A note to those that spend much time in their Automobiles:
Feng Che deals with the energy associated with your Automobile
and your route to and from daily trips.
In Feng Shui, Qi means roughly “flow of energy” or natural energy. Therefore, when dealing with Feng Shui your seeking Qi Divination. If you can grasp the basic scientific principle of electricity in a closed circuit, you can understand a basic level of Feng Shui in your Home. Electricity, Water Flow, Doorways, and Furniture positioning will effect this flow, as will your color scheme and even outdoor topiary.
The Polarity in Feng Shui is termed as it’s Yin and Yang, which represent respectively dead and living, and dark and light, and cold and hot. Yin and Yang are complimentary yet are absolutes, and still have times or spaces where both are influential. Duality!
In Martial Arts, Yin and Yang meet as a dance and are never used separately. If someone attacks you on the street in a frenzied, aggressive manner, you repel or dissipate that energy. Rarely can you overcome someone so intent and angry by way of such emotion back. After the initial surprise, allow their unwarranted energy to roll off you for it should not be yours to keep. It is their negativity and poor rearing not you that sought such an encounter. This goes for emotional attacks as well.
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Monday, 3 March 2008
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