What’s in your Personal Care Products
And Around Your Home?
Lard and leaf lard:
Pig intestines or Fatty tissue from Pigs/hogs, either processed or left unprocessed. Manteca is the Spanish for lard/lard butter.
Lard can be in lipstick, lotion (as emulsifiers), and shaving cream. And an almost guarantee, lard is in your commercial bar soaps! In candles and hidden in margarine there’s lard. Soap does not need to contain lard, which was a ranchers by-product in their own ranch/farm animal slaughter. However, a few products like Vasoline should be avoided as well. Vasoline is petroleum, which is neither lard nor good for the earth!
Substitutions for lard:
Vegetable fat, fruit and nut wax.
Almond, Cocoa butter (an evergreen tropical plant), coconut, cotton seed oil, jojoba, palm seed and palm fruit oil, peanut, sesame, and soy (soybean) oil.
If you are not Vegan: beeswax.
Rennet and Rennin:
Usually from calves/young cows.
Obtained from the lining of slaughtered animal’s stomach. Found in nearly all cheese (unless specifically listed as being Rennet-less and “animal friendly”) and coagulated dairy food products.
Available substitutions:
microbial (non-animal) agents, vegetable rennet, lemon juice, and bacteria culture (like acidophilus, the friendly bacteria occurring in natural yogurt and non-dairy herbal remedies).
Raw beef or mutton fat.
Suet can be found as an ingredient in Bird Food/Animal Blocks, cheaper margarine, and possibly still in some medicinal ointments.
Numerous choices available over suet!
Tallow/Tallowate/Stearic Acid
Derived from the slaughter of Cattle, Horse, Sheep, and Pigs (though the later is rarely labeled due to Religious groups disallowing most pig products). Listed or Unlisted/Unreported, tallow may be present in your Animal/Livestock Feed. Tallow is used over wax at times for cheaper candles and crayons. Unlike Suet, tallow does not require refrigeration.
Japan Tallow (natural fat from Fruit tree produce) and Vegetable Tallow (such as bayberry)
So, why are the fatty tissue areas, which are equally similar in humans and animals, where heavy metals have absorbed and stay, feeding cancer cells among other things, used for human and animal consumption? Why would you wish to pamper yourself with any so-called beauty product containing animal fat, ligament, or organs? Why do companies hide the usage of these hideous ingredients? Monetary reasons must be the only excuse to dump these health hazards into our food, animal care, and cosmetic goods. Yikes!
All content by Europa Pirate