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Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Natural Sun Block

As the weather gets warmer, for those of us on the Northern Hemisphere,
and the hours of sunshine are longer…
do not forget to protect your skin.

Most people have experienced a cold, blustery day. Your nose gets red; cheeks pinks, lips chapped, and your skin can burn with pain from simply washing your dry hands under water.

Are you also conscious of the other seasons, the other months out of the year?
Skin cancer can and does affect all peoples no matter of skin color or race!The cancer can even form on skin never exposed to the sun’s violent rays. Whether fast growing or slow, skin cancer can grow on, under, and inside your body.

Safety with the Sun includes

  • avoiding peak hours of sunlight 11am-3pm
  • covering the skin with clothing
  • and a natural mineral barrier

Natural Sun Block

Key Ingredient:
Zinc Oxide

Ingredients to Avoid:
Octyl Methoxycinnamate (O.C.M.), Petroleum, Oxybenzone (Benzophenone –3)

Natural Lip Balms

Key Ingredient:
Bees Wax

Vegan versions Key Ingredients:
Natural oils (coconut oil, almond oil, hemp oil) and waxes from fruits

by Europa Pirate