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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Danger: Aluminum

Food, Cosmetics, and Medication

Since you may skim “Articles” you read, I feel compelled to mention prior to fully discussing Deodorants and Antiperspirants what Aluminum has and will affect your life, someone’s body, and the environment! While The FOOD And DRUG ADMIN. (F.D.A.) in America wants to tell you this and that drug are Safe… until Deaths and Lawsuits force them to say otherwise, many scholars and scientists have known about the dangers of the readily available and inexpensive metal “ALUMINUM”!

So, you either do not care or really haven’t heard the warnings! Did you know that U.S. and European peoples (Men and Women) once used LEAD as a foundation/concealer, cosmetic face powder, and on Hair Pieces and Wigs! LEAD is of course now banned in piping/plumbing, and cosmetics! Well, if there are known medical concerns, why would anyone place Aluminum “On or In” your body?

Dr Chris Exley, who has awards on “The Bioinorganic Chemistry of Aluminium and Silicon” and neuro-degenerative diseases (Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s) is quoted as saying :

"Aluminium is known to cause cancer in animal models. We need to make sure aluminium in antiperspirants isn't contributing to breast cancer".
And stated that manufacturers simply chose to use Aluminum even though there are non-aluminium-based antiperspirants.
“Aluminum is a metalloestrogen, it is genotoxic, is bound by DNA and has been shown to be carcinogenic. The confirmed presence of aluminum in breast tissue biopsies highlights its potential as a possible factor in the aetiology of breast cancer”, said Dr. Exley. Additionally he adds, “Myth and legend tells us aluminium is safe but reality shows us not that it isn't safe but that we don't know. Not knowing is not a reason for assuming safety."

Studies reveal a direct association between the level of aluminum in municipal drinking water and the peril of Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. And, the older the person is, the more the accumulation of Aluminum in your blood (serum level). It is unclear whether we humans are more susceptible to Aluminum as we age or it is simply our storage tank has filled to capacity.

Dr Melvyn R. Werbach suggests Alzheimer’s alone should be reason enough to purposefully avoid Aluminum products.

Regardless of what your knowledge of Aluminum was, let’s in short, write the list in simple form to note your source of daily, unobserved Aluminum.


  • Shelved as your grocery store Antiperspirants ,
  • Holding your carbonated beverage (Soda, Colas),
  • Camped in Outdoor Cooking Gear,
  • Heating your Barbeque'd Picnic foods as Foil,
  • On your lips as you swig your Ale,
  • Swallowed whole in your Meds (all cute and fuzzy being termed “buffered/buffered Asprins"),
  • Unseen in utensils,
  • Slipped inside coffee pots,
  • Biting mad in old Metal/Silver Fillings,
  • Caked-in to most Baking Powder”!

Whereas it is totally unnecessary to ADD Aluminum to Baking Powder, most typical companies add it. Health Food/Natural Company lines of Baking Powder are much more expensive, so what’s a person to do? On a positive note, you have a clearly affordable choice over Aluminum laced Baking Powder: BAKING SODA. When using BAKING SODA... decrease/omit additional salt.

Baking Soda is my Secret Love, next to Vinegar for cleaning!

Aluminum is absorbed through the skin (your largest organ) and your intestines, in addition to your lungs!

Let’s use the readily available options over Aluminum and just “play on the safe side”, if you do not care to study fact, logic, and reason. There are natural and readily available alternatives!

*Shaving underarm hair and washing the underarm area a few times a day

will greatly reduce bacteria

and therefore body odor*

All content by Europa Pirate